Monday, January 31, 2011

Cover Letter = waste of time?

So I applied to to jobs online since the last blog I posted.  Both applications gave me the OptIon of writing a cover letter after I posted my resume.  Of course I felt like I had to because if I didn't then it looks like I don't know how to.  Well I don't know how to.  So I googled it like any normal person and went from there.  I don't think a good cover letter is meant to be written into a text box from an example by Richard Hammer.  Why should I even trust Richie anyway?  He probably didn't get the job he applied to! 

Anyway, the topic of this post is to express my hatred toward the cover letter.  I don't like it, it doesn't serve a purpose, and it's complete bullshit.  I might be venting just a smidge but I'm sure you all agree with me on this one.  If I was a human resources person I would not want to waste my time reading that.  I guess I just have to suck it up and deal with it because they don't seem to be going away anytime soon. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Capstone

So this is my first time writing a blog and since I am in a multimedia class in my second semester senior year my mind is focused on graduating.  This blog is going to be a mixture of my feelings about graduating along with some articles and helpful tips to know as the dreaded and awaited date approaches.